God sent two angels for us, makes our life always be more happily and more beautiful likes rainbow that put in our heart. Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

Samuel in one album

Ini aku lg upload foto2 Sam.... khusus dr baby ampe sekarang
Gak beraturan siy... tp keliatan dr Sam kecil ampe dah grow up :)
Seneng bgt deh, anakku dah gede skrg


Punya ASe nyusul bsk malem dah... emaknya ngantuk, mo bobok dulu....oooaaahhheeemmm
lagian punya Sam jg blon lengkap hihihi, emaknya dah keburu mabok :P

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